my wife and i decided not to wear rings and actually left the whole ring thing out of the ceremony. there was a number of reasons
1. i have never liked wearing rings
2. we are both quite private people and do not feel the need to advertise our marital status
3. it is a strange thing to invest a material object with such responsibility for symbolising your relationship. without a ring we can avoid the feelings you have now because the ring means so much more to you than just a piece of hand decoration
4. how much of an omen would it be if one of you lost the ring. if you accept the symbolism of it then surely the marriage is doomed.
we still wanted something to bond us together so we got small love heart tattoos the day before our wedding in our own small private commitment ceremony.
maybe your spouse does find it uncomfortable. did he wear rings prior to marriage? ask him if he would consider wearing it or carrying it in some other way - on a chain, on his keyring
or maybe you could attempt to divest the ring of all its symbolism and not get hung up about it, given "there's no possibility of cheating, and there's sincere love & a solid commitment to our shared future"
i've been working with a bunch of young people getting them to devise a "play" call re:generation.
its noisy and loud and pretty athletic and features teenagers behaving badly then crashing cars and having parties and it revolves a round a pipeline that pumps out youth culture that half the kids follow blindly and the other half reject, and it has a mobile phone symphony that we have just never had to time to record live and i really need to have something for a rehearsal tomorrow or im cooked
wow excellent post.- would anyone be tempted to submit something of their own to the site and pretend it was found. how can the integrity of those projects be maintained with such a huge submission base? how can the "authenticity" of the works be tested? does it matter? is a note written by me and submitted to a site any different for the "viewer" than a genuinely "found object"? is stumbling over it on the net the same as stumbling over it in the street? can i cut and paste the images onto my own website and start a journal of virtual found art?
i got a $22000 AUD debt to the australian government for some of the most micky mousiest degrees - this year my total income was $30000. the hecs fee here creates a spiralling debt trap unless mummy and daddy are v. rich and can pay it up front.
dear santa...i wish i could have an annoyingly loud screechy person jammer and a b.o. jammer and a fast food restaurant's deep frier jammer and a button that i press that makes everybody disdappear for at least ten minutes so i can have a cigarette in peace and quiet.
my wife and i decided not to wear rings and actually left the whole ring thing out of the ceremony. there was a number of reasons 1. i have never liked wearing rings 2. we are both quite private people and do not feel the need to advertise our marital status 3. it is a strange thing to invest a material object with such responsibility for symbolising your relationship. without a ring we can avoid the feelings you have now because the ring means so much more to you than just a piece of hand decoration 4. how much of an omen would it be if one of you lost the ring. if you accept the symbolism of it then surely the marriage is doomed. we still wanted something to bond us together so we got small love heart tattoos the day before our wedding in our own small private commitment ceremony. maybe your spouse does find it uncomfortable. did he wear rings prior to marriage? ask him if he would consider wearing it or carrying it in some other way - on a chain, on his keyring or maybe you could attempt to divest the ring of all its symbolism and not get hung up about it, given "there's no possibility of cheating, and there's sincere love & a solid commitment to our shared future"
posted by chubby gristle 18 years ago
They say our love won't pay the rent Before it's earned our monkey's always spent
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
In "The cunning folk "
so if she weighed the same as a duck....
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
In "curious george"
i've been working with a bunch of young people getting them to devise a "play" call re:generation. its noisy and loud and pretty athletic and features teenagers behaving badly then crashing cars and having parties and it revolves a round a pipeline that pumps out youth culture that half the kids follow blindly and the other half reject, and it has a mobile phone symphony that we have just never had to time to record live and i really need to have something for a rehearsal tomorrow or im cooked
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
In "cab calloway's hepster's dictionary"
hey path course you can't use it and claim it as yr own work. gustholf toilsch would track you down and put you in his deathmatch 2000 tv pilot.
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
In "Most Obvious New Kids Exercise Yet..."
that hack eternally reporting errors
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
In ""
i agree with the wolof .... just let it do its thing
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
In "red meat comics"
i know jase - im great mates with jo - i've actually moved to griffith know.. wolof - good call on artaud
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
i don't think i could ever be as oblique as max cannon.
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
In "Bow, nigger."
what was it sly and the family stone sung don't call me nigger, whitey! don't call me whitey, nigger!
posted by chubby gristle 20 years ago
In "Clearly pimping something... but what?"
or maybe you're a guerrilla marketer being paid to direct our attention to the website Or am i just paranoid?
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
In ""
i vote for antibubbles. make your own
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
In ""
monkey see monkey do Oop! Ack! Ho Ho Ho Hee Hee HA hA Aah AAaah! Aaaaahh! Hoo Hoo Hoo... /jumping_up_and_down
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
In "Messages for one, read by all"
wow excellent post.- would anyone be tempted to submit something of their own to the site and pretend it was found. how can the integrity of those projects be maintained with such a huge submission base? how can the "authenticity" of the works be tested? does it matter? is a note written by me and submitted to a site any different for the "viewer" than a genuinely "found object"? is stumbling over it on the net the same as stumbling over it in the street? can i cut and paste the images onto my own website and start a journal of virtual found art?
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
In "The truth about John Lennon's murder."
time for an oliver stone biopic
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
file under "serious delusions" - i want the booklet
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
In "Make a new sentence out of those four dreadful words."
i gain a codless membership (thats em all)
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
In "British university students"
i got a $22000 AUD debt to the australian government for some of the most micky mousiest degrees - this year my total income was $30000. the hecs fee here creates a spiralling debt trap unless mummy and daddy are v. rich and can pay it up front.
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
In "Most Obvious New Kids Exercise Yet..."
now i rent videos as neural athletics
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
In "Dear Santa..."
dear santa...i wish i could have an annoyingly loud screechy person jammer and a b.o. jammer and a fast food restaurant's deep frier jammer and a button that i press that makes everybody disdappear for at least ten minutes so i can have a cigarette in peace and quiet.
posted by chubby gristle 21 years ago
(limited to the most recent 20 comments)